Financial Literacy Month

It’s Financial Literacy month! Each April consumers are encouraged to focus on building and maintaining healthy financial habits and goals. For our part, Metro is committed to creating awareness about the importance of financial literacy by providing useful tools like Save and Succeed, a free online resource for our members!

Save and Succeed

Save and Succeed provides members with articles and videos about a wide range of topics, including saving, budgeting, retirement, technology, and more! When you register, you’ll be given the opportunity to take a questionnaire that Save and Succeed relies on to provide you with personalized content, exercises, tutorials, and games relevant to your unique financial interests and goals. 

You can browse Featured Topics, which are based on your questionnaire and current events like tax season or economic news. You can easily search for specific topics and content, and even save articles to your favorites to go back to later. The more you use Save an Succeed, the better the tool gets at recommending new articles and activities specific to to your interests.

Win Money!

After registering, you will also be eligible to participate in Save and Succeed’s monthly challenges. By completing the challenge, you can enter to win one of two $500 prizes awarded by Save and Succeed.

April’s challenge is about adding mindfulness to your financial life, and it only takes 10 minutes to complete!

Sign Up Today!

Click the link below to get started with Save and Succeed today! Start by setting up your account, taking the questionnaire, and completing the monthly challenge. Then browse popular topics and courses, view your recommendations, and start your journey to financial literacy and wellbeing.