If you are currently a Metro member, please select “Current Member Application” and log into our online banking platform.
If you are a non-member, please select “New Member Application” to apply.
On occasion, circumstances occur that can cause you to overdraw your account. Overdrafts occur when the amount of a check or electronic transaction (e.g., ACH) exceeds your available balance at the time it is presented to the credit union for payment,
or when a Visa debit card transaction exceeds your available balance at the time of your purchase and at the time your transaction is posted to your account. Your available balance reflects any deposit holds or Visa debit card holds
for previous purchases that have been authorized but not yet presented for payment; therefore, your available balance may be less than your account balance.
At Metro, you can select from one of several options to determine
how those overdrafts will be treated. The information below may assist you in understanding overdrafts and your overdraft coverage choices.
If your checking account has insufficient funds to cover a transfer, purchase, or withdrawal, you can elect to automatically transfer funds from another account to prevent your checking account from becoming overdrawn. You may
also choose to apply for an overdraft line of credit that is linked to your checking account to keep your account in good standing. There is an automatic transfer fee* for transfers automatically made from savings, checking or money market accounts. You can avoid this fee by transferring or advancing funds prior to the transaction
that causes an overdraft/negative balance.
Lines of credit, home equity lines of credit, savings accounts, money market accounts and secondary checking accounts can all be linked to your checking account to prevent overdrafts. Generally,
Metro will advance funds from deposit accounts prior to advancing funds on a line of credit/HELOC.
Note: money market accounts are subject to monthly withdrawal limitations and fees may apply if the number of transfers exceeds those limits.
*For a complete list of fees, click here
The Metro Credit Union Courtesy Pay program adds a measure of protection to your checking account. It can temporarily cover purchases and payments when sufficient funds are not available in your account. Courtesy Pay is not a loan, and your checking account must be brought to a positive balance within 35 days.
Courtesy Pay can be used to pay checks, ACHs, and BillPay transactions. You must affirmatively choose (Opt In) to have Courtesy Pay cover every day debit card transactions. Courtesy Pay will not cover ATM withdrawals, in-person transactions, or online banking transfers.
Metro will charge a fee if we pay an overdraft in the following circumstances:
Our Overdraft Services Disclosure is available here.
To add or remove Courtesy Pay for Visa debit card purchases, sign in or register here, visit a branch, or call us at 402-551-3052.
To opt out of Courtesy Pay for all other transactions including Visa debit card purchases, visit a branch, or call us at 402-551-3052.